Sponsor Us!

So, you’ve enjoyed reading our blog and found some helpful information, and now you want us to keep travelling and sharing our stories and experiences with you?

You wish has been granted, dear reader, for we have a couple of options where you can sponsor us while getting something in return. Win-win for all!






We also have another way to help finance our trip and give you something at the same time. For a very reasonable fee (5 USD) we’ll send you a postcard from one of the cities we’re traveling through, in Mexico, Central America or South America.

The options you can choose from include:

  • We write and send you the postcard, stamped with a local stamp, and with our news at that time of the trip (as we’d do for a friend or family member)
    PROS: it is just like getting a postcard from a foreign friend
    CONS: the stamp can get stolen (and card thrown away), weather can damage the card
  • We write the postcard, put it in an envelope and send it to you, stamped with a local stamp
    PROS: the postcard will be safe from bad weather.
    CONS: the stamp can get stolen
    BETTER: we put the fancy stamp inside the envelope and have the envelope obliterated in a less fancy way (not always possible)
  • We put the blank postcard, with or without a local stamp, inside the envelope and have the envelope obliterated at the local post office.
    PROS: safe + you can reuse the postcard
    CONS: you don’t really get a postcard from/written by us.

We’ll set up a PayPal account for you to make your payment and tell us your postal address.

We will also scan the postcard before sending it, so you can get a virtual copy of it, if you want (less of a surprise when you get the real card)

And finally, we will also offer a recurring subscription, so you can get a new card every month or twice a month (4 USD per card instead of 5 USD, for 3 cards at least).

If you’re interested and want a card from a specific city/country we haven’t crossed yet, please let us know quickly. We can’t send cards from place we’ve already been through, obviously, as we only keep very few cards as souvenirs for ourselves.

Updated: February 8, 2018 — 2:47 pm
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