Tag: Guanajuato

Our Top 10 Cities in Mexico

So, you have been following our adventure and really want to visit Mexico, but you are overwhelmed with how much there is to see and don’t know where to go? Fear not, dear readers, for we have compiled a list of our top 10 favourite cities in Mexico and why we love them. Bear in […]

Day 112: Puebla City and Mole Poblano

Late Sunday morning, we headed out for a big day of exploring. Our first stop was Tlachihualtepetl, the Great Pyramid of Cholula. It is the largest pyramid known to exist today with a total volume estimated at over 4.45 million cubic metres (yes, it is larger than the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, which is […]

Fresh videos from our visits in San Miguel de Allende and Guanajuato!

So, we edited and uploaded two new videos this week, from our visits in Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende respectively. The video are mostly while riding through the city for the former – but much less boring than our first one – but also include a great 360º sky view of San Miguel and […]

Days 56 – 61: Our Last Week in Salamanca

Because our experience at The English School had been a rewarding one and we felt that we got more out of it than we had given, we decided to bestow a little parting gift to the school. We picked a few pictures from our time in the States (since it is an English-speaking country and […]

Days 54 & 55: Celebrating Mexico’s Independence in Salamanca and San Miguel de Allende

On the evening of Friday, September 15, we headed to the city center of Salamanca as we had heard there would be some early celebrations for Mexico’s Independence Day going on there. When we arrived, the place was crowded and parking was scarce since some streets were blocked off. Phil decided to stop and ask […]

The English School in Salamanca

For those of you who have a good command of the English language and are planning to cross Mexico, heading towards Central/South America, we just thought it would be worthwhile to mention that The English School is looking for volunteers to help their students practice conversational English. In our case, it was a three-week commitment […]

Days 51 – 53: Eating, Drinking, and Being Merry in Salamanca

Tuesday was another one of our productive days where we mostly worked and made a grocery list consisting of ingredients we would need for making a curry and couscous dinner for our friends the following night. Ivan already knew the taste of curry as he had traveled to the UK in the past so when […]

Day 50: The Colours of Guanajuato City

On Monday, September 11, we decided to visit Guanajuato city since we had been hearing so many positive things about the place. We left at around 11:00 AM and rode for about an hour before we got to the historic town center. We quickly found a decent parking spot, parked the bike, and then hit […]

Days 46 – 49: A Musical Weekend in Salamanca

Thursday was the day I got to test the waters of being a substitute teacher as one of the teachers at the school had called in sick. I was asked to step in and teach two back-to-back classes consisting of students with a good enough grasp of English that I wouldn’t have to exercise my […]

Days 41 – 45: Our First Days in Salamanca

We came across an opportunity through Workaway to help English learners practice and improve their oral skills at The English School. We were contacted by the owner of the school, Ivan, and in exchange for our help, he arranged for us to receive food and hosting at the home of a local family. This was the […]

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