2 Up and Overloaded…

So, if you remember, when we travelled to Yucatan we ended meeting Tim and Marisa, in Playa del Carmen, and a few days later we crossed the border to Belize together. Tim and Marisa have eventually become some of our best friends, and we have traveled along and crossed other borders through Central America together, sometimes parting ways only to meet again later on, all despite our distinct paths, riding styles and overall travel goals and interests.

After we moved to Kitchener last year, we paid a visit to Tim and Marisa who were back to Chicago, slightly after their wedding, and I met them again another time when I rode my second bike from Vancouver to Kitchener through the USA. Before they crossed to Africa in September to continue their adventure around the world on a motorcycle, they came to Kitchener on their way to Montreal and spent another evening of fun with us.

Tim and Marisa are currently in Tanzania, ready to cross to Kenya in a few days probably, and just finished the second book of their adventure: “2 Up and Overloaded”, a follow-up to “Maiden Voyage” that narrates their path from Chicago to Panama, and obviously their meetup with fellow motocyclists, including us.

If you want to feel the experience of traveling to unknown countries, the challenges of doing that on a motorcycle and opting for camping whenever possible, then we strongly advise to buy their book(s), on paperback or Kindle. Ours may only come later in the year, or maybe next year, depending on many factors including our unfortunate tendency to procrastinate on that topic… 😉

Good reads!

Kindle: Paperback:
Kindle: Paperback:


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  1. Michael David Sherwood

    Good to check in with you Phil, hope that all is well with you both!
    Michael Sherwood

    1. Hey Mike! Long time no talk. It’s funny I believe I was thinking about you not longer than last week and wondering how you were doing. The universe has mysterious ways… I’ll message you by email!

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