Tag: YouTube

New Video: Central America II

We have a new video up on our YouTube channel of our time travelling through the Central American countries of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama. Enjoy, subscribe, and share! 🙂

Days 276 – 286: Dodging rain and doing stuff

For the next two weeks, we did what we do best and occupied ourselves in productive ways while waiting for another dry day in Panama City so we could go out an do some more sight-seeing. We clocked in quite a bit of work hours, ran some bike-related errands, and had an array of home-cooked food […]

New Video: Central America I

We have a new video up on our YouTube channel of our time travelling through the Central American countries of Belize, Guatemala, and El Salvador. Enjoy, subscribe, and share! 🙂

New Video: Puebla to Chiapas

We have a new video up on our YouTube channel of our time in the Mexican states of Puebla, Veracruz, Oaxaca, and Chiapas. Enjoy, subscribe, and share! 🙂

Mexico City and Taxco Videos

This is just a quick post to let our readers know that our resident musician was finally able to make some time for music and, as a result, we have new videos of Mexico City and Taxco up on our YouTube channel. Enjoy, subscribe, and share! 🙂    

Day 132: The Mayan Ruins of Chichén Itzá

Visiting the Mayan ruins of Chichén Itzá was our activity for the day on Saturday. The ride was around 1.5 hours from Mérida and we arrived at the site while it was still morning. Entry tickets cost 242 pesos (~16.42 CAD) per person, which was more than what we paid at Teotihuacán, but understandably, as we saw far […]

Day 124: The Cascading Waterfalls of Agua Azul

On Friday morning, we rode a little over an hour from Palenque to the Cascadas de Agua Azul – a series of waterfalls famous for its turquoise-blue waters found on the Xanil River. The water has a high content of calcium carbonate and various other minerals so all the rocks and trees that the water […]

Fresh videos from our visits in San Miguel de Allende and Guanajuato!

So, we edited and uploaded two new videos this week, from our visits in Guanajuato and San Miguel de Allende respectively. The video are mostly while riding through the city for the former – but much less boring than our first one – but also include a great 360º sky view of San Miguel and […]

New Videos on YouTube!

Just a quick note to let our readers know that we have new videos up on YouTube. I know we have been a bit slow with the videos, but we have been picking up the pace and hope to have new and exciting things for you to see more frequently. Don’t forget to subscribe to our […]

We’re on YouTube!

Yes, that’s right – we have decided to share our adventures and mishaps with our readers in motion-picture format. Our first video is up and is an accelerated recording of the road from Cananea to Banámichi. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel! 🙂 [embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9xuYCwpKa9Y[/embedyt]

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