
I’ve been wondering lately about the benefits of describing every step of my trip and, in particular, doing it a few months after the trip has ended. From now on, I plan on some changes in both, strategy and goal.

Reading comments from other bloggers and travelers on forums like ADVrider or Horizons Unlimited (the HUBB) or on Facebook, I noticed a few facts:

  • Most travelers read other travelers report for some time, then get fed up, and eventually desist
  • Most travelers write their report the same way by posting a few pics and telling the story of one or more days, again and again, until either their audience gets too thin or they just can’t keep up with posting (due to travel constraints) and end up lagging in their reporting
  • Most travelers who blog regularly travel alone and spend an indecent number of hours blogging rather than meeting locals.
  • Most travelers who don’t travel alone don’t blog a lot either.
  • People don’t read much. That’s a good one. Everyone knows that, but when we tell our stories we still tend to talk too much.
  • Some people suggest vlogging (video blogging) instead, since it’s easier to watch a YouTube video than reading for many people.
  • I’d say, people will get bored of your videos too, so that’s not the solution.

So, there are several possible solution to the problem:

  1. Don’t blog, don’t vlog, just travel, live your life, and enjoy it. It won’t make it less valid and enjoyable, but possibly more since you will spend less time talking about it and more time living it.
  2. Blog or vlog for your family, friends, or the few acquaintances who may be interested in your trip, or at least in knowing if you’re still alive 🙂
  3. Blog with a purpose. Blog giving hints and helping people to either make the decision to follow your path (follow the leader-leader!) or to get information to plan for their own trip(s).
  4. Blog about different topics and alternate topics. Instead of telling about what’s happening during the trip, split the posts into sections on various topics that are relevant to the place or people visited. Avoid chronological posts or telling a story as it gets boring… Blog about what people are doing around you, blog about their life issues and (possible) solutions, blog about how to help people, blog about joy, blog about life, blog about marvels (not the movies, doh!)

So, considering all this, I decided to put a stop to my USA trip blogging, and I’ll start focusing on the preparation of the coming one, and anything else, in general.

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